Get Second Opinion Identify Issues Get Treatment Plan Understand Better
From OPG X – Rays
How it works?
1. Upload OPG X-ray
Upload X-ray or images to get actionable insights
2. View AI detected insights
View AI detected teeth score, potential issues, understand if you need expert dentist consultation.
3. Get Personalized Treatment Plan for €10
Get personalized treatment plans with explainer videos to understand and treat issues based on your X-rays from our expert dentists
Uncover oral issues & take action with expert advice
Get AI health assesment & track your oral health progress by uploading OPG X-rays in under 1 minute for Free
Get expert dentist verified personalized treatment plan with explainer videos for €10
Get your questions answered by our expert dentists for €30 via Video Call
World’s best dentists,
now your family doctor.
We have a team of expert General Dentists, Endodonstists, Orthodontists, Implantologists, Surgeons and Radiologists from leading instutions in Austria, Germany, India lead by DDr. Jaroslav Belsky who are constantly learning and building AI products to give you the best care to have a confident smile 🙂

DDr. Jaroslav Belsky
Dental Wizard – Creating magical smiles for over 25+ years
Are you a dentist ?
Boost your practice growth
Integrate our AI platform to generate personalized treatmenent plans with explainer videos.
Earn Patient Trust. Boost Practice growth.
30k+ happy smiles
Our objective discussion and neutral therapy plan tailored to your needs make finding the right dentist easier than ever. Take control of your oral health journey and make informed decisions with our expert guidance.
“I’ve been to different dentists, everyone wanted to treat my tooth gap differently. Thanks to checkdent, I now know that due to my dental fillings and my smoking, the dental bridge is the cheapest and most efficient solution to my dental problem.”
“As a layman you have to believe everything and so I lost a tooth for a tooth. Through ceckdent I found out why I never got fillings on my lower front teeth and why I mostly got caries in the posterior area. I then changed my behavior and had my posterior teeth repaired with dental fillings that would last for decades, my dental troubles are now over! “
But what would be the best for me now? Thanks to checkdent, I now understand the differences between these treatment options and have found the best solution for me.”
Uncover oral issues earlier for a healthier, brighter future.
Identify and treat the root cause of Bad Breath Tooth Decay Gum Inflammation Smile Issues
Frequently Asked Questions
What is CheckDent?
CheckDent is a pltform to empower you with all the insights required to keep your oral health in the perfect state. We are here to help you understand your conditions better to keep smiling confidently.
Where can I get an x-ray from?
In most countries, the dentist has to keep x-rays for a few years. So you can either ask him to send you the old saved picture, e.g. by e-mail, or you go to the dentist and have an up-to-date panoramic X-ray taken and take it with you. In a lot of countries insurances covers these costs.
What quality should the X-ray have?
The normally compressed JPG image from the dentist is good enough for analysis. The size should not be less than 1500px X 900px.
Why is an image rejected?
It has nothing to do with you! The images just have to be of a certain size and quality so that the artificial intelligence can evaluate them (and/or the doctor). If the image does not meet these criteria, the system rejects it.
What do I do with the analysis and/or the therapy plan?
If everything is clear, then you can start with the tooth restoration as soon as it suits you. For this you have to look for a dentist who will advise you truthfully and objectively. It is best to arrange 3-4 appointments with different colleagues, with checkdent’s knowledge you will then be able to find the right one.
If something is unclear about the therapy plan, you can arrange a telephone conference, for example, and go through the findings with our doctors.
Are the AI results 100% correct?
Nothing in life is 100%. Just as a dentist can make mistakes, AI can make mistakes too. The system is constantly being improved, but it is always good to remain critical and ask again if in doubt.
If something seems strange to you about the therapy plan, don’t lose your nerve, just contact us. If an error has crept in, then you can find most of them very easily.